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åM Ä ðïÈ-HåRd cRï©kÈt fÄnÄtIc.. no1 sHåLL cUM bÈtW ©rIc]<ëT Änð Më! Nt ë\/ëN....... LoLz. hÈhÈ.. I L0\/ë wrïtïn9 t00. I d0 wrïtë å bL09

This is abstracted directly from a social networking website (unedited). I wish to withhold the identity of the person for I know of some people who are already loading in .38s to gun him down. I guess he messed up the alphabet in preschool. I have no clue what was going through his mind, when he must've probably thought of writing this! Whatever it is, it sure is something that'll keep you occupied for a while :D

Feel free to blast the shit off!


Hash said...

This is one of a kind. I am also pissed off by the writing when people pose like gangsters and do the gangster talks.
Excerpts : "yO tHz iZ mA Boi, mA bIkE, i lUz u mA BaBay..!!, I wD lIk tO tOk wId yA"

drabbard said...

haha, right ho! vanity, to the core :)

Hina Khan said...
