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This is abstracted directly from a social networking website (unedited). I wish to withhold the identity of the person for I know of some people who are already loading in .38s to gun him down. I guess he messed up the alphabet in preschool. I have no clue what was going through his mind, when he must've probably thought of writing this! Whatever it is, it sure is something that'll keep you occupied for a while :D

Feel free to blast the shit off!


The Onus

A drop is lost in the heart
of the ocean, in the gamboling
surges its dream lives on. A lone
feather out of a gull's wing,
finds its way into the deep coves
of a forsaken memory.

The cold fingers of frost, etch their way
across my windowpane, melting
their life away in the wake of the winter sun.
The sweet essence of love, lingers in my heart
reaching out to me, embracing.
A poignant smile adorns her charade

A deep sorrow she hides behind
those hazel eyes. The assuring touch
wavers beneath the folds of her dress.
A pearl finds its way out of the corner
of her eye, it rolls down and dies in her lap.
For the sleepless nights she lived and countless tears

That she has shed for me, I rise, I promise,
I give in. My hands tremble as they reach out to
touch her lips. A dead silence fills me now
with the resounding deafness of the past.
Do I cry, or is it just the ache in my heart?
The burden, she bore, for it is all that I gave her.